MCTco bars…
I’ve recently started a low-carb, no sugar diet and stevia destroys my gut so the options are quite limited. I have been looking for snacks that I can have on the go or that even just taste good. I am doing intermittent fasting and a full 24 one day a week. I’m also switching up the hours which I do this and I’m mostly on the run throughout the week so I needed something I could have that was worth an eat and gave me what I needed to keep going. Plus, who doesn’t like bars….?? I swear if I had a penny for every time my kids ask me for a bar throughout the day, I would be drowning in pennies.
SO, on the hunt I went and I came across MCTco. I cannot tell you HOW happy I was to see that they don’t use the ever dreaded STEVIA. It’s in EVERYTHING that’s low-carb, keto, sugar free, etc. I honestly didn’t do animal products before this whole diet and I wasn’t excited that it has bovine collagen in it but I have had to switch things up a bit with this new diet to just get nutrition and actually eat. My appetite is so minimal being fat burning that when I do finally eat after my fasting, I’m full so fast that the food I eat needs to be very nutrient dense and providing the support I need. These bars have a ton of good stuff in them and have good numbers on the nutrition aspect. It is FABULOUS for my on the go, for the kids on the go, when I should be eating a meal but I won’t be home for two more hours and I have to eat. There are a million reasons I can recommend these bars and tell you why they’ve been just what I needed but I will just say you should try them for yourself. I posted a link and there are always good coupons. If you’re interested in trying them out for yourself please let me know and I’ll either give you or find you a coupon! Enjoy and I hope you love them. I have eaten some pretty “BLEH” stuff in the name of health and being healthy and I am happy I found something I actually like, genuinely tastes good and does exactly what I need it to do. The perfect trifecta of goodness 🙂 Please check out my shop link. MCTco has been awesome enough to allow me to share their products and provide a small commission. Thanks for supporting a small family, busy mama. It means more than you know.